
The Team
Fernando Fontes
Group Coordinator
Fernando A.C.C. Fontes is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto and a Senior Researcher at Systec -ISR, ARISE Associated Laboratory. He is the Coordinator of the Systec-Control laboratory and of the ARISE- Intelligent Systems and Robotics Line. He holds a Habilitation degree from the University of Porto and a Ph.D. degree from Imperial College London. His research interests are optimization and control systems, specifically in nonlinear and constrained problems, and the application of these methodologies to Airborne Wind Energy.
Luís Tiago Paiva
Senior Researcher
Luís Tiago Paiva (PhD in Applied Mathematics) is Auxiliary Researcher at UPWIND Project and Lecturer at Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP). He is Integrated Member of the Research Center for Systems and Technologies (SYSTEC-ISR) and of the Advanced Production and Intelligent Systems (ARISE) Associated Laboratory (AL). His major areas of research are Optimization-based Control, Model Predictive Control, and applications to Airborne Wind Energy, namely trajectory planning.
Luís Roque
Senior Researcher
Luís Augusto Correia Roque (PhD in Applied Mathematics) is a Researcher in the UPWIND project and a Lecturer at Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). He is a integrated member of the Systems and Technology Research Centre (SYSTEC-ISR) and the Associated Laboratory (AL) for Advanced Manufacturing and Intelligent Systems (ARISE). His research interests include operational research, in particular computational optimization methods such as genetic algorithms, heuristic and metaheuristic techniques, and their application to optimization problems in the energy sector.
Dalila Fontes
Operations Management
Dalila Martins Fontes is a Full Professor and former Vice-Dean of the School of Economics and Management at the University of Porto (FEP), and Research Coordinator at INESC TEC and Board member of LIAAD- Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support. She holds a MSc from the London School of Economics and a Ph.D. degree from Imperial College London. Her research interests include developing and applying Operational Research and Artificial Intelligence techniques for decision support in Management problems.
Manuel Fernandes
Research Assistant
Manuel Fernandes is a Grant Holding Researcher at UPWIND and an Invited Lecturer at FEUP. He has a Master in Electrical Engineering focusing on Power Systems and Renewable Energies by the University of Porto. He is currently a PhD Candidate at the same institution working mainly on Flight Control of Airborne Wind Energy Systems.
Sérgio Vinha
Research Assistant
Sérgio Vinha is a Grant Holding Researcher at the UPWIND project and a Invited Lecturer at the University of Porto. He has a Master in Electrical and Computer Engineering and he's currently a PhD Candidate at the same institution. He is responsible for hardware assembly and software development, mainly related with automatic take-off and landing control.
Rui da Costa
Research Assistant
Gabriel Fernandes
Research Assistant
Rui Carvalho da Costa is a Research Assistant at UPWIND, holding a Master degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Porto. Within the team, Rui focuses on optimization, particularly with regard to the implementation of kite farms for large-scale power production.
Gabriel Fernandes is a Research Assistant at UPWIND, holding a Master degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Porto. Within the team, Gabriel focuses on control and hardware assembly, particularly with regard to the automatic take-off and landing and the kite prototype development.

Conrado Costa
Research Assistant
Conrado Guimarães da Costa holds BSc and MSc degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering, specializing in Automation. Currently, he is a research assistant at the Institute of Systems and Robotics, Porto, where he focuses on stereo vision systems for 3D position tracking of tethered airborne wind energy systems.
Optimization, Estimation and Control

Ali Arshad Uppal

António Pedro Aguiar

Paulo Lopes dos Santos

Margarida Ferreira

Teresa Perdicoulis
Rosário de Pinho

Thien Nguyen
Power Electronics and Electrical Machines

Adriano Carvalho

Carlos Ramos

Maria Teresa Delgado
Wind Energy, Technology Exploitation, Social and Economic Impact

Amélia Caldeira

Cláudio Monteiro
Carlos Silva Santos
MSc Students (2024)

Ana Rita Couto

Eduardo Barbosa

Cassien Croisé